At UCT Online High School, in addition to written assignments, you may, at times, be required to make video submissions. In this article, we will help you successfully submit your video assignment/s and outline how to make the link shareable and clickable in order to get your work graded.
Table of Contents
Video tutorial
If you would like to watch a short, 3.5-minute video tutorial outlining the steps involved in uploading, sharing and submitting videos, you can do so by watching this video here.
Alternatively, you can follow the steps outlined below:
Tips for your video submission
Copy and paste carefully: Ensure there is no spacing or additional text when copying and pasting your Google Drive URL.
Use Google Drive: Always upload your video to Google Drive, other URLS like WhatsApp, TikTok, WeTransfer and Loom will not be accepted.
Choose the right format: Save your video as MP4 or MOV before uploading it to Google Drive.
Time limits: If your assessment is timed, ensure you have enough time to upload your video to Google Drive before you finish your assessment (uploading to your drive may take some time so please ensure to check your WIFI speed before uploading).
Ensure you have updated your sharing settings: Set Google Drive sharing to "Valenture Campus".
Do not delete or move your video to another location once submitted: Your assessment may be selected for moderation. If you delete your video, moderators will not be able to review it, and you could receive a grade of zero.
Instructions: How to share your link
Step 1: Once you have completed recording your video, save it to your computer.
Step 2: Open your school Google Drive and select ‘New’, which you will find on the left-hand side of your Drive.
Step 3: Select ‘File upload’.
Step 4: Find your video under downloads in your laptop/desktop machine, and then select and choose ‘Open’ to upload.
Step 5: Once your file has been uploaded and is showing in your Google Drive, please right-click on your uploaded video file and select ‘Share’, after which a window will open.
Step 6: Please set ‘Valenture Campus’ as the sharing permission option for this file.
Step 7: Finally, select ‘Copy link’ after which you will be able to paste the link in the required upload space for your submission.
Step 8: Paste the link in the submission window in your assignment question paper.
Step 9: Once you’ve pasted the link, download the question paper as a PDF file to your computer.
Step 10: Upload the PDF file and submit via the Online Campus.
Instructions: How to ensure your link is clickable
When submitting a link, please ensure that it is clickable in the PDF you provide. This means that when someone clicks on the link in the PDF, it should automatically redirect them to your linked file. Note: Learners should not add any additional text here, only the URL is required. Adding further characters or text will corrupt the URL and will result in 0% for an assessment.
To ensure that a Google Drive link you copied into a PDF is clickable, follow these steps:
Using Microsoft Word
Step 1: Open Microsoft Word
Open the document in which you want to insert the Google Drive link.
Step 2: Insert the link
Paste the Google Drive URL into your document.
Highlight the URL, right-click, and select "Edit Hyperlink."
Ensure the URL is correct in the hyperlink field and click "OK."
Step 3: Save as PDF
Go to "File" > "Save As."
Choose the location to save your PDF.
In the "Save as type" dropdown menu, select "PDF."
Click "Save."
Using Google Docs
Step 1: Open Google Docs
Open the document in which you want to insert the Google Drive link.
Step 2: Insert the Link
Paste the Google Drive URL into your document.
Highlight the URL, right-click, and select "Edit Link."
Step 3: Download as PDF
Go to "File" > "Download" > "PDF Document (.pdf)."
The PDF will be downloaded with the link included.
Using Adobe Acrobat
Step 1: Open Adobe Acrobat
Open the PDF in which you want to insert the Google Drive link.
Step 2: Edit PDF
Go to "Tools" > "Edit PDF."
Select "Link" > "Add or Edit."
Step 3: Add the Link
Drag a rectangle where you want the link to appear.
In the "Create Link" dialog box, choose the link appearance and select "Open a web page."
Enter the Google Drive URL and click "OK."
Step 4: Save the PDF
Save the PDF to ensure the link is active.
After completing the steps outlined above, you will have successfully uploaded your video submission to your school Google Drive, obtained a shareable link, added the link to your assignment question paper and submitted a PDF version of your question paper to the Online Campus to be graded.
Still have a question? Please reach out to your Support Coach for further assistance.
Alternatively, if your query is tech-related, please reach out to our friendly Tech Support Team directly via chat or by emailing,