Step 1: Please click here to start the install process.
Step 2: You will be redirected to the Microsoft 365 website and prompted to sign in.
Step 3: Click on “Sign in” and the page below will appear. Fill in your school email address and password then click “Next”.
Step 4: If you have logged into Microsoft 365 before, you will be prompted to choose between a school/work account or your personal account. Click on “school account”.
Step 5: Once you have signed in, you will see welcome pages that you can read and scroll through.
Step 6: After getting through the welcome pages and tour of Microsoft 365, you can now install it onto your computer.
Step 7: Navigate to the "Install Office" button on the top-right corner.
Step 8: Click on “Office 365 apps”.
Step 9: The files will start their download and you will see it on your downloads tab at the bottom of the screen.
Step 10: Once it is finished downloading, follow the instructions on the below “Get started with Microsoft 365” image.
Step 11: Congratulations! You have now successfully downloaded Microsoft Office 365 to your desktop!
Once installed and if you have questions about using Microsoft Office for CAT-related work, please reach out to your CAT teacher or Microsoft Support on +27 (0)86 022 5567.
Still have a question? Please reach out to your Support Advisor for further assistance.
Alternatively, if your query is tech-related, please reach out to our friendly Tech Support Team directly via chat or by emailing